reflect & explore

“If something works, do more of it!”

Clients keep putting their trust in me with major, very personal issues. We take a moment to breathe, focus on existing ressources, find solutions and plan the next small steps… and as a wonderful result, my clients continue to surpass themselves.

What challenges are awaiting you at the moment?


Holistic development    (life coaching)

You want more from life and develop your path towards change and follow it. I can support you as your powerful coach.

Management with strength and lightness

Your company supports you in your managerial responsibility, your challenging project or your personal development and for a certain time you are looking for an experienced coach, which is activ in SME and multinational companies for many years.


You and your team would like to pull together and reach the next milestones with more ease. You prefer a workshop specifically tailored to your needs, that really helps you and your team to advance. I will reflect the next steps with your leading team and support you during the change process.


Coaching sessions take place in German or English according to your needs, they are held in my practice on the Rhine, at your place, at the lake of Thun, at a neutral site or via telephone / Zoom / MS-Teams.

Solution-focused coaching

The “solution-focused brief coaching” is based on research results from a group of therapists in Milwaukee, USA. Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg combined them with findings from the hypnotherapy of Milton Ericsson, buddhism, and the philosophical teachings of Ludwig Wittgenstein. At the time, this new approach turned traditional practices upside down – therapists used to believe, that they first need to understand the problem. However, De Shazer concentrated on two aspects with the client: first, how the client could discover a way to realize when the problem is solved, and second, what he was already doing in this respect (“if something works, do more of it”).
During the so-called “solution talk” we concentrate on the following:
– focus on ressources instead of deficits,
– exploration of the possible and desired future,
– exploration of what our client is already contributing to this future and
– appreciation of the client as an expert for his solution in all aspects of his life.

Three outstanding books on the subject are:
Chris Iveson / Evan George / Harvey Ratner: Brief Coaching, A solution focused approach, Abingdon 2011
Daniel Meier & Peter Szabo: Coaching – erfrischend einfach, Einführung ins lösungsorientierte Kurzzeitcoaching, Nordersted 2008
Dominik Godat: Lösungen auf der Spur, Wirkungsvoll führen dank Lösungsfokus, Zürich 2014

Holistic approach

We all long for an authentic being and to feel completely on ease with our whole body.

If helpful for you I will use in our talks besides solution focused tools also insights about energetic processes (psychodynamic by Barbara Brennan), psychological aspects from Gestalt-Therapie (Fritz Pearls), body-oriented psychotherapie (George Downing), Bioenergetic (Alexander Lowen), Core-Energetics (John Pierrakos) as well as Relaxation and Meditation techniques (John Kabat-Zinn).

Because life happens not in the past nor in the future we focus our work mainly in the Now. We also work often with our breath and our body posture and awareness.

Your holistic perspective will have positive effects for your team and your organisation.


For me, the best references are positive feedback and recommendations.
Apart from my many anonymous individual and SME clients, here is a selection of companies, for whose managers and teams I have provided or am providing coaching services:

Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Avant Garten AG, Basler Versicherungen, Basler Kantonalbank, Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG, Checkpoint ZH, CMS Christoph-Merian-Stiftung,  DSM Nutrinional Products, EBZ Erwachsenen-Bildung Zürich, FHNW Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Geburtshaus Terra Alta, Genossenschaft Migros Aare, IKEA Supply AG, K-webs GmbH, Mammut Store, Manor AG, Lucentive AG, Marc Steiger AG, Panalpina Management Ltd., Pentapharm AG, Procap (Schweiz), Quickline AG, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., SES, Solutionsurfers GmbH, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, die Schweizerische Post, Stiftung BDI Besuchsdienst Innerschweiz,  Stiftung Kinderdorf Pestalozzi, Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, The Talk Company GmbH, USB Universitätsspital Basel, Universität Basel Ressort Diversity, Werkraum Warteck pp, Zweckverband Schulen Leimental.